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  • Name:Zhengfei Hu
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Research Fields:

In general, these cover a range of interests in metallurgy physics and theoretical modeling or simulation the practical engineering problems. A particular interest is the microstructure characterization being investigated by electron microscopes, including TEM, HRTEM, SEM, EDS et al. Most research programs involve in experimental studies of structure-property relations in materials, such as studies the effect of microstructural evolution, phase transformations and interface structure attribute on mechanical or physical performances.


Current Courses:

Metallurgy Physics
Solid Physics
Physical Properties of Materials  




1.National natural Foundation of China: (Project No. 51971163, 50760176)
In the area of microstructure and properties, current and completed projects including: creep tests for novel heat-resistant steels; Microstructure evolution and life assessment for heat-resistant steels in long-term service; investigation the strengthening mechanism of super high strength martensitic alloy steel, maraging steel, identification the dispersive precipitates coherent relationship with the matrix,  their crystal structure, orientation and growth dynamics.
2.National Key Research and Development Program of China (Project No. 2017YFB0103700, 2013BAG19B0106).
In the area of processing of composite materials and application, current and completed projects including: Strengthening aluminum alloy, fatigue and mechanical properties, surface electrochemical treatment.
In the area of functional materials, completed projects including, Cu-C electric materials processing by power-metallurgy, investigation the electric conductive properties and glide friction behavior; structure and behavior of electric contact between AlGaN semiconductor and metallic multilayer.  




1.Zhen Zhang, Haoyun Tu, Zhengfei Hu, Yan Li, Baosen Zhang, Zhangzhong Wang. Experimental and numerical investigation of low-cycle fatigue behavior of 9Cr ferritic-martensitic steel at room temperature. Mat Design Process Comm. 2020:1–10.
2.Hu Zheng-Fei, Zhang Zhen. Investigation into the effect of precipitating characteristics on the creep behavior of HR3C austenitic steel at 650℃, Mater. Sci & Eng. A, 2019,742: 451-463.
3.Sun, Haixiang; Hu, Zhengfei*, Electrochemical Behavior of Al-1.5Mg-0.05Sn-0.01Ga Alloy in KOH Ethanol-Water Solutions for Al-Air Battery, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166(12): A2477-A2484.
4.Yao, Cheng; Hu, Zhengfei; Mo, Fan; Wang, Yu,Fabrication and Fatigue Behavior of Aluminum Foam Sandwich Panel via Liquid Diffusion Welding Method, Metals, 2019, 9(5): 582
5.Zhen Zhang, Zhengfei Hu, Siegfried Schmauderd, Baosen Zhang, Zhangzhong Wang, Low cycle fatigue properties and microstructure of P92 ferritic-martensitic steel at room temperature and 873 K, Mater. Character. 2019,157,109923
6.Ren, Cheng Xu; Hu, Zheng Fei; Yao, Cheng; Mo, Fan, Experimental study on the quasi-static compression behavior of multilayer aluminum foam sandwich structure,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 810: UNSP 151860.
7.Xu, Ting; Hu, Zhengfei; Yao, Cheng, The effects of Ca addition on corrosion and discharge performance of commercial pure aluminum alloy 1070 as anode for Aluminum-air battery, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2019, 14(3): 2606-262
8.Zhang Z; Hu Z F; Singh P M; Li X; Xiong S; Fang X X, Microstructure Evolution and Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of 12Cr Martensitic Steel Upon Long-Term Service in Power Plants,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(2): 995-1006.
9.Zhang Zhen, Hu Zheng-Fei, P. Singh, Effect of temperature and dissolved oxygen on stress corrosion cracking behavior of P92 martensitic steel in supercritical water environment, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, v 498(1), p 89-102
10.王宇,胡正飛,姚騁,張振,許婷. 液态擴散焊制備泡沫鋁夾芯闆及其疲勞行為,複合材料學報,2018,35(6):1653-1660
11.胡正飛 著, 馬氏體耐熱鋼的應用研究與評價,北京:科學出版社,ISBN: 978-7-03-057477-0, 2018.9.
12.Zhen Zhang, Zhengfei Hu, and Siegfried Schmauder. Fatigue Behavior of 9–12% Cr Ferritic-Martensitic Steel, in Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, Chun-Hway Hsueh ed. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 (ISBN978-981-10-6855-3)
13.Zhen Zhang, Zhengfei Hu, Haoyun Tu, Siegfried Schmauder, Gaoxiang Wu. Microstructure evolution in HR3C austenitic steel during long-term creep at 650 °C, Materials Science & Engineering A ,2017,681: 74–84
15.童慧,胡正飛,祁昌亞,單既萬,何大海,莫凡. SiC分散性對AlSiC複合材料力學性能及組織結構的影響. 材料熱處理學報,  2016, 37(12): 1-6.
16.Zhang Zhen, Hu Zheng-Fei, S. Schmauder. Cyclic behaviour of 12% Cr ferritic-martensitic steel upon long-term on-site service in power plants, Fatigue & Fracture Engineering Materials & Structure, 2016,  39(10): 1179-1192.
17.張振, 胡正飛, 張樂福, 溶解氧對P92鋼超臨界水環境中應力腐蝕開裂的影響 ,材料熱處理學報,2016, 37(9): 105-111.
18.Zhang, Zhen; Hu, ZhengFei; Schmauder, Siegfried; et al. Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties of P92 Ferritic-Martensitic Steel at Elevated Temperature. J.Mater. Eng. & Perf. 2016, 25(4): 1650-1662.
19.童慧,胡正飛,祁昌亞,單既萬,何大海,莫凡. Ca 含量對SiC/Al 泡沫複合材料性能和結構的影響。 複合材料學報,2016, 33(11): 2576-2583.
20.Hu Zheng-Fei, Mo-Fan, et al. Application of aluminum foam and composite panels in railway vehicles. Proc. of the First International Seminar of Rolling Stock Composites Materials, Dec.3-5, Zhuzhou, China, pp475-482.
21.Hu Zheng-Fei. Spinning and heat-treatment effects on performance and microstructure of maraging steel.  ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research. 2015, Vol.15: 1236-1242.
22.張振,胡正飛. 溫度對P92 耐熱鋼高溫水中應力腐蝕開裂行為的影響. 材料熱處理學報,2015,36(8):121-125.
23.Zhang Zhen, Hu Zheng-Fei et al. The Corrosion behavior of P92 martensitic heat-resistant steel in water and chloride environment, J. Eng. Mater. Tech., 2015, 137(3),031009(7pp)
24.Zhang Zhen, Hu Zheng-Fei et al. Low cycle fatigue behavior and cyclic softening of P92 ferritic-martensitic steel. J. Iron & Steel Res Inter. 2015, 22(6):  534-542.
25.Hu Zheng-Fei, He Da-hai, Mo Fan. Carbides Evolution in 12Cr Martensitic Heat-resistant Steel with Life Depletion for Long-term Service. J. Iron & Steel Res Inter. 2015,  22(3):250-255.
26.王崗,胡正飛 何大海,吳細毛.12Cr馬氏體耐熱鋼長期服役條件下碳化物演變與壽命相關性研究,材料熱處理學報,2014,35(12):102-106.
27.王崗,胡正飛,服役 230000 h 的 X20 馬氏體耐熱鋼主蒸汽管道的組織和性能,金屬熱處理,2014,35(1): 60-65.
28.Hu Zheng-Fei, He Da-hai and Wu Xi-mao, Failure analysis of T12 boiler re-heater tubes during short-term service. Fail. Anal & Prev. 2014,14: 637-644.
29.嚴益民,胡正飛,林富生,趙雙群. 長期服役對30Cr1MoV鋼疲勞斷裂性能和組織結構的影響,材料熱處理學報, 2013,34(1): 60-63.
30.黃竹平,胡正飛,王起江. HR3C奧氏體耐熱鋼的持續性能與斷裂行為. 材料熱處理學報, 3013,34(11): 61-66.
31.Hu Zheng-Fei, Wang Qi-Jiang, Jiang Kai-Yan. Microstructure evolution in 9Cr martensitic steel during long-term creep at 650℃. J. Iron & Steel Res Inter., 2012,19(7):55-59.  
32.Hu Zheng-Fei, Wang Chun-Xun. Shrinkage Behavior in Spun Tube of Maraging Steel during Heat-treatment. J. Iron & Steel Res Inter., 2012,19(5):63-68.
33.Hu Zheng-Fei, Chap.10 Heat-resistant steels, microstructure evolution and life assessment in power plants. Thermal Power Plant (ISBN:978-953-307-952-3),Mohammad Rasul ed., InTech. pp195-226,2012.1
34.嚴益民,胡正飛,等 汽輪機轉子30Cr1Mo1V鋼長期服役狀态下的高溫疲勞行為,材料工程,2012,38(11): 38-41+96
35.袁超; 胡正飛; 吳細毛. 15CrMo鋼管蒸汽内氧化的微觀特征.金屬熱處理,2012, 37(2):136-140.
36.袁超,胡正飛,吳細毛. 熱電廠15CrMo鍋爐管的高溫蒸汽氧化研究,材料熱處理學報,2012,33(6): 90-95
37.Jian Cao, Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang, Xiao-Ming Luo, Zheng-Fei Hu., Creep fracture behavior of dissimilar weld joints between T92 martensitic and HR3C austenitic steels. International journal of pressure vessels and piping, 2011, 88( 2-3) : 94-98.
38.Gong Yi,Cao Jian, Yang Zhen-Guo, Luo Xiao-Ming, Yang Zhen-Guo, Gu Fu-Ming, Qi An-Fang;, Hu Zheng-Fei. Assessment of creep rupture properties for dissimilar steels welded joints between T92 and HR3C. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2011, 34(2):  83-89.
39.陸傳鎮,吳細毛,胡正飛,趙俊韋,王起江,王春亮. 超期服役F12耐熱鋼斷裂失效與組織結構的相關性. 動力工程學報,2011,31(3):239-242.
40.Mo D F, He GQ, Hu ZF, Liu XS, Zhang WH, Effect of microstructures on strain hardening exponent prediction of cast aluminum alloy. Acta metallurgica sinica, 2010,  46 (2): 184-188.  
41.Mo D F, He GQ, Hu ZF, Liu XS, Zhang WH, Effect of microstructural features on fatigue behavior in A319-T6 aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2010, 527( 15), 3420-3426.
42.莫德鋒,何國求,胡正飛,張衛華. 孔洞對鑄造鋁合金疲勞性能的影響,材料工程,2010(7): 92-96.
43.胡正飛, 王起江, 蔣凱雁. Precipitates evolution in 9Cr Martensitic Steel During Long-term Creep at 650℃.第四屆寶鋼學術年會(Baosteel BAC 2010), 2010/11/15.上海.
44.Hu Zhengei, Wu Ximao, Zhang Bin, Lu Changzhen. Evolution of carbides in 12%Cr heat-resistant steels after long-term service. J. Chinese Soc. Power Eng.,2010,30(4): 269-274
45.張斌,胡正飛. 9Cr馬氏體耐熱鋼的發展及其蠕變壽命預測,鋼鐵研究學報,2010,22(1): 26-31
46.Zheng-Fei Hu, De-Feng Mo, Wang Chun-Xu, Guo-Qiu He, Cheng-Shu Chen. Different behavior in Electron Beam Welding of 18 Ni Co-free Maraging Steels,J. Mater. Eng.. & Perf., 2008.17(5): 767-775 .
47.胡正飛,楊振國,何國求,陳成澍. 熱電廠F12材質主蒸汽管道系統的壽命評價,伟德网站是多少學報(自然科學版),2008,36(1): 86-91.
48.Zheng-Fei Hu, Zhen-Guo Yang, Guo-Qiu He, Cheng-Shu Chen. Damage and residual life assessment of bends for X20CrMoV12.1 main steam pipe after long term service, J. of Failure Analysis and prevention, 2008,8: 41-47.
49.Mo De-Feng, He Guo-Qiu,Hu Zheng-Fei et al. Crack initiation and propagation of cast A356 aluminum alloy under multi-axial cyclic loadings. International Journal of Fatigue, 2008,30: 1843–1850.
50.Mo De-Feng, He Guo-Qiu,Hu Zheng-Fei et al. Crack initiation and propagation of cast A356 aluminum alloy under multi-axial cyclic loadings. International Journal of Fatigue, 2008,30,1843–1850  




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