1、朱洪波,吳凱凡,李晨,成轶傑,闫美珠. 流化床氣相沉積法納米改性粉煤灰及其早期水化特征[J]. 建築材料學報,2016,19(2):230-237EI
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6、朱洪波,張浩立,柳獻,李晨. 多孔性水泥-聚苯顆粒材料的吸聲性能研究[J]. 材料科學與工藝,2014.22(3): 23-27
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8、朱洪波,李晨,闫美珠,吳夢雪. 水泥-聚苯乙烯輕質材料的制備及抗沖擊性研究[J]. 伟德网站是多少學報,2014.42(5):745-750;EI
9、朱洪波,闫美珠,李晨. 大學生創新訓練計劃項目的有益作用探讨[J]. 高等建築教育,2014,23(2):99-102
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12、朱洪波,王培銘,李晨,柳獻,楊坪,曹曉潤. 多壁碳納米管在水泥漿中的分散性[J]. 矽酸鹽學報,2012,40(10):1431-1436;EI:20124715691541
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14、朱洪波,王培銘,張繼東. 提钛高爐礦渣對水泥砂漿強度和微結構的影響[J],建築材料學報,2011,14(4): 443-447(EI: 20114714541380)
15、ZHU Hongbo, LI Chen, WU Mengxue, YAN Meizhu, JIANG Zhengwu. Persistence of Strength / Toughness in Modified Olefin Fiber and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete [J]. Journal of Testing and Evaluation (2015.7投稿,排版中)
16、ZHU Hongbo, CHENG Yijie, LI Chen, YAN Meizhu. Pozzolanicity of fly ash modified by fluidized bed vapor deposition reactor [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites (2015.8投稿,二審通過)
17、LI Chen, ZHU Hongbo, WU Mengxue, YAN Meizhu, JIANG Zhengwu. Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash modified by fluidized bed reactor-vapor deposition [J]. Cement and Concrete Research(2015.8接收,三審通過)